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At the next regularly scheduled Board meeting on September 17, 2024, the District will update the public about its efforts to comply with the consent order and its desegregation obligations and will present a summary of the information contained in the recently filed status report. At this meeting, the District will answer questions from attendees about that update and about the information in the status report. The District will also provide an opportunity for members of the public to share with the Board relevant information. In addition to public comments at the meeting, interested parties may submit information in writing, both before and after the meeting, by email to mark.price@englandlions.net, through the District website on this Google Form, or by mailing or hand-delivery to the District office.
The September 17, 2024, Board meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. at the District Administration Office, located at 501 Pine Bluff Highway, England AR 72046.
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