Welcome to England School District, Home of the Lions!

Mr. Mark Price , Superintendent
Central Office Staff
Angie Cyr, Business Manager
Lisa Dorsey, Accounts Payable
Debbie Robinson, Administrative Assistant
District Leadership
Tammye Bennett, Elementary Principal/Elementary Parent Facilitator
Aundra Boeckman, District GT Coordinator/ESOL Coordinator
Cassie Henderson, District Homeless Liaison, Homeless/Surrogate Parent Liaison
Bryson Johnson, District Computer Technician
Belinda Livingston, Federal Programs Director
Brian Main, District Transportation Director
Mindi Martin, District Foster Care Liaison/Title IX Coordinator
Trent Morgan, Principal of Student Services/ ALE Director
Micah Nichols, Child Nutrition Director
Erica Powell, District Technology Coordinator
Tammy Roberts, Dyslexia Specialist
Brittney Robinson, Principal of Teaching and Learning
Judy Ruh, LEA Supervisor/District 504 Coordinator
James Woods, District Maintenance Supervisor
Equity Contacts
In keeping with the guidelines of Title VI, Section 601, Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title IX, Section 901, Education Amendments of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; and Standard XV of the 1984 Standards for Accreditation of Arkansas Public Schools, Act 231 of 1985; England School District assures that no person on the bases of race, color, national origin, age, sex, or handicap be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.
Coordinator: Title VI, IX – Mindi Mickey-Martin, 510 Pine Bluff Highway, England, AR 72046, Telephone 501-842-2996.
Coordinator: Section 504- Judy Ruh, 510 Pine Bluff Highway, England, AR 72046, Telephone 501-842-2041.
Coordinator: Standard XV – Mark Price, 510 Pine Bluff Highway, England, AR 72046, Telephone 501-842-2996.
Any person having inquiries concerning compliance with Title VI (Race), Title IX (Sex), Section 504 (Handicap) or Standard XV (Equity) is directed to contact the above appropriate coordinator.